

Passion & Purpose

Discussion about yourself, what can you offer or share with us. Help us bring better understanding for each other.

3/10/2014 7:34:09 PM
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Passion & Purpose

 Happy Monday Soul Seeker's....Hope all is Swell!!!

As a certified life coach, I want to offer an e-course to help women find their "happy", passion & purpose. Therefore, I'm in need of your help & expertise. With that in mind, I would like your opinion on the following:

*What are your 3 biggest frustrations in LIFE?

*What about those frustrations keep you up at night?

*How important it for you to handle these frustrations right now?

*Have you ever paid for a service that assisted you with your frustrations?

*If so, how much did you pay or willing to pay for it (hope you don't mind me asking)?

*What frustrates you MOST about buying this kind of service?

*What's a DREAM solution for you in this area?

Please be honest. This is my way of testing the market. I truly want to provide a step by step e-service action plan that my customers yearn for. One that will resolve a problem or roadblock in their life. By discovering your true purpose & passion, you will unleash a life you've never imagined.

Thanx Soul Seeker's...Namaste!!! =D



P.S. If you prefer, you can email me directly at: tiffanyjoi@sbcglobal.net