Singing bowls
Singing bowls are used for meditation, music, relaxation, personal well-being. It clears the energy in the space and one's mind. It reduces the stress, creating a deep sense of calm, and bringing you into alpha state of consciousness, they all will help in synchronizing your internal vibrations and balancing your chakras.
Sound Crystal Bowl
Crystal bowl sound and music emit a pure holographic template of radiant light that corresponds to the octave of sound within your etheric body. The tones produced by crystal bowls are not just heard by the ear, you feel them in your body, with certain tones affecting your energy centers (chakras) for healing, balancing & meditation.
Incense Bowl
You use this to stick your incense into.
Incense sticks often create a sense of peace and well-being.
You can use whatever statue you like or not. Some people like to use them for good luck, protection, and other.
You use them for ceremony, and meditation.
Meditation Timer
It is needed when you meditate often and would like to set the time limit. This is recommended to have for serious meditators.
Candles can be one of the most effective tools used for meditation, rituals and other ceremonies.
Chakra Pendulum
Chakra pendulums have 7 chakra stones on the chain. You uses this to check your chakras. Just hover it over your chakra to see if they spin or not.
Tarot Cards
Tarot Cards are powerful tools for those with the ability to interpret the cards. As each card has a unique astrological meaning and numeric significance, the cards can be used to gain insight, clarity, and achieve greater control over issues involving relationships, life changes, family, career, health, spirituality, and dreams.
This is for Zen Practice only. The Taku (Clappers) are two pieces of hard wood. They are held parallel and struck together, making a sharp clack. The Jikijitzu makes one clack prior to the three strikes on the Shijo signaling the start of zazen, and again at the end of a sitting period to begin kinhin (walking meditation). The clack during kinhin is a signal to speed up the pace and return to the cushions.
This is for Zen Practice only. It is struck by the Jikijitzu for ten minutes before the first zazen period. The sequence includes three accelerandi-- strikes coming faster and faster until they merge to a point-- by which the students are able to tell how much time before the zazen begins.