

Meditation Music Collection
The vibrational energy of sound is a useful tool for those having a difficult time trying to raise their energy.

Chakra Healing Music Collection
The vibrational energy of sound is a useful tool for those having a difficult time trying to open their chakras.


Chakra Bija Mantra Note
Root LAM C
Sacral VAM D
Solar Plexus RAM E
Heart YAM F
Throat HAM G
Third Eye SHAM A
Crown OM B


Your entire chakra system is made of light and sound. Each tone of the musical scale is believed to correspond to a specific chakra. Sound and tone have a powerful healing effect upon the body, mind and spirit as the sounds penetrate our energetic and physical field.


These sounds can cut through blocks and stagnant energy and open the way for a more balanced and healed state of being.


There is actually a  large range of sounds and melodies which will create activity or stimulation of the chakras. All musical tones directly affect how chakras will respond to becoming energized, balanced and open.









Hay House, Inc. 125x125

Wayne Dyer Event Tour