

Throat Chakra

In the physical sense this chakra is associated with the shoulders, arms, hands, with the ears, nose, teeth, mouth and neck. A blocked chakra inclines you to be inconsistent, to lack self-expression and appear unreliable.

If there is an imbalance in the throat chakra, there may be an imbalance in your voice itself which may sound scratchy, dry or forced. You may also be considered somewhat “wishy-washy” depending upon who is speaking to you at the moment.

These types of people leave themselves open to being easily manipulated since they do not stand firmly on any issue one way or the other.

The flip side of this may also be true, which will manifest itself in you being very manipulative, and trying to sway others to your side for your own obvious gain. This may manifest itself in you also being very domineering and distant from others emotionally.

Even irritation toward others and the voicing of that irritation causes imbalance within all of the chakras, because the throat is the command center through which our creative forces flow to all life.

Blockage of the throat chakra means you've experienced or are experiencing one of the following; Lies, mixed messages, verbal abuse, constant yelling, excessive criticism (blocks creativity), secrets (threats for telling), authoritarianism (don't talk back), alcoholic, chemical dependent family or cults (don't talk, don't trust, don't feel).

Look through the characteristics of both excessive and deficient energy flow;

Excessive energy - Spins fast (no harmony)
You talk too much, often without having anything substantial to say. You gossip frequently. You always have to have the last and tend to not listen to what others have to say. You shout rather than speak. Your voice is too loud or too authoritarian. Your artistic output may be extensive, but lacks authentic inspiration. You have difficulty in paying attention because you think you already know it all.

Deficient energy - Spins slow (no harmony)
You are timid and scared to express yourself. You are afraid to speak and or sing in public. You over-react to loud sounds. Your voice may be too soft, whiney or crack frequently, or you may speak in a monotone. You seem unsure of what you are saying. You shutter or have some other speech impediment. You are hearing-impaired or tone deaf. Your vocabulary is limited; you may have difficulty in learning foreign languages or playing musical instrument.

Misuses of the sacred energy center of the throat comes forth through blasphemy, all manner of gossip, variance, witchcraft, black magic, and hatred. With misuse such as gossip, criticism, sarcasm or angry words, harms ourselves including on a planetary level.

Physical Imbalances
Cancer, Teeth problems, Mouth problems, Throat problems, Speech problems, Thyroid problems, Lymphatic problems, Parathyroid problems, Ear and hearing problems, Neck and shoulder problems

Physical Malfunctions
ears, voice, asthma, tinnitus, toxicity, neck ache, sore throats, hearing problems, thyroid problems, disorders of the throat neck- tightness of the jaw communication/ speech problems thyroid and immune system problems

Psychological Imbalances
Stuttering, Poor auditory memory, Inability to express self in words, Logorrhea (nonstop verbal charter)