Harmonix Healing

It works due to the law of physics. Resonance, entrainment, and brain wave synchronization are phenomena that enable the process to occur naturally and effortless. Imagine lying on top of a massive cello with hundreds of strings! Every string is precisely tuned to exact frequencies that generate infinite ranges of exquisite harmonic overtones. These Emanations unfold like audible fractals. The frequencies turn off the “disquieting mind” aligning your mind, body & spirit to the higher order of harmonics. Its healing effects occur on the deepest levels of our being. I play the strings from underneath like a cosmic harp. By sustaining it long enough, YOU HAVE TO SYNC UP WITH THE HARMONIC FREQUENCIES. It’s simply a law of physics and since your entire body is physically connected to the resonant sound chamber of the instrument you not only “HEAR” them, but you actually “FEEL” these HARMONIC frequencies throughout your entire body.

Anyone with a Body/Mind Matrix will benefit profoundly.


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