Saunas and sweat lodges have been valued by many peoples around the world for many centuries for both their physical and spiritual benefits. In Finland, where the term “sauna” was originated, the Finns have historically believed that the sauna was a place to cleanse the body and rejuvenate and refresh the spirit.
Not only was sweating in a sauna popular in Ancient Roman and Greek times, but for centuries many cultures throughout the world used similar methods to the sauna. These cultures include the American Indians, Turks, Arabs, Scandinavians, the people of the Baltic States, Africans, and even the Koreans and Japanese.
Ten key health & wellness benefits
1. Saunas relieve stress.
2. Saunas relax muscles and soothe aches/pains in both muscles and joints.
3. Saunas flush toxins.
4. Sauna cleanses the skin.
5. Saunas can induce a deeper sleep.
6. Saunas bring about recreational and social benefits.
7. Saunas improve cardiovascular performance.
8. Saunas burn calories.
9. Saunas can help fight illness.
10. Saunas just feel good.