Spiritual Journey in Sculpture
While I don't consider myself a religious person I am spiritual and my spirituality is reflected in my creativity. The world has many religions but our spirituality belongs to us as individuals. I believe there are many paths that lead to the mountain top and each of us must choose to travel our own path.
Religions divide us - spirituality brings us together.
“My sculpture is seeded in my soul, held in my heart and then birthed through my hands.”
When I make art, I am seeking the Void or the womb of God, a place Hildegard describes so beautifully as the nexus where “two realms become one”. The last several years have brought me a much needed emptying process creating space in my life for this sacred nexus to flourish. I have been laid open and unclogged by making art. Making art cleared me and making art connects me with the Void. It is a form of deep, committed prayer.