Fun things to do in the rain
Why Stay In?
April showers may bring May flowers, but they can also give grandchildren a case of cabin fever. Don't let a damp forecast rain on your parade. Whether it's barely drizzling or raining cats and dogs, make the most of the wet weather with these outdoor activities designed especially for rainy days.
Make a Splash
Grown-ups usually discourage kids from jumping in puddles, so youngsters will be surprised and excited when you start a carefree splash contest. Gear up in raincoats and galoshes to head outside and stomp through pools of water. See who can create the biggest spray of water or give kudos for the most stylish tap dance routine.
Color Yourselves
Put on bathing suits and then color all over yourselves with bathtub crayons or other washable colors (we recommend that whatever you use washes off easily). Draw silly faces on your stomachs or write funny messages. Go wild. Then get out in the rain and wash yourselves off. It's nature's shower! Ready for more? Dry off and start all over again.
Wet and Wild Relay Race
Don't let a little drizzle keep the kids cooped up. Use waterproof toys to create the ultimate obstacle course for a fun family race. Split into teams (so what, if there's only two of you — compete against each other) and take turns kicking a beach ball around cones, hula hooping, spinning in circles while resting your forehead on a plastic bat, and competing in a water- balloon toss. In this race, laughing at the goofy challenges is more important than rewarding a winner.
Document the Day
Give your young photographers disposable waterproof cameras so they can capture the stormy weather on film. Spring showers provide a perfect opportunity to capture rare images of water droplets, colorful cloud formations, reflections in puddles, and beautiful rainbows. Shoot away, then drop off the cameras at a same-day photo processing center and send your shutterbugs home with the prints for lasting memories.
Homemade Water Park
Don't fight to stay dry when the clouds let loose. Don bathing suits, and make a plan to get completely drenched. Pull out the plastic waterslide, set up the sprinkler, and fill the inflatable pool to create a wet and wild theme park. Join in the aquatic fun by starting a water war with your grandchildren using soggy sponges, Super Soakers, and water balloons.
Make Like Gene Kelly
Leave the great indoors for an invigorating walk around the block. To keep spirits high, sing classic wet-weather songs like "Singing in the Rain," "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider," "It's Raining, It's Pouring," and "Rain, Rain, Go Away." Your family's song stylings may even bring a smile to a waterlogged neighbor's face.