1. Sit in your cushion at your meditation space. Take a couple deep breaths.
2. Think where you are in your spiritual path and what is your purpose. Bring your journal to reflect if you have one. Envision what you are going to do in the future.
3. You visualize you are meeting your soul-mate. You image what they might look like. Is it female or male? Are you going to meet the person at the coffee shop, school, or work? Is your soul-mate going to be sensitive, understanding, generous, uplifting, and intelligent.
4. Imagine you have known this person for lifetimes. Understand that this is a reunion not a first time meeting. Know that your spiritual partner is someone who supports your spiritual path and have similar goals. Feel blessed you have someone you trust and understands you. The person is committed to help you on your spiritual work.
5. End the session by asking your higher self to help meet this person in the future.