
 It is great to have crystals in your sacred space. Putting crystals in your space, can boost the mood and enliven the setting. Crystals make your meditation and self-reflection more easier. If you need crystals for yourself, please click the banner below. Banner

List of Crystals:

  Aegrine - self-quest, revitalizes the mind, increases the healing energy of other stones. [1]

African Mystic Spirit Quartz - cleansing, accelerates spiritual growth, focuses healing energy. [X]


Agate - discerns the truth, accepts circumstances, powerful emotional healer. [X]


Ajoite - Removes implants, activates and energizies the P-chakra, aligns with the universal spirit.


Alexandrite - enhances the rebirth of inner and outer self, promotes awareness. [7]


Amazonite - aligns astral bodies, unity with life, enhances creative expression. [5]


Amber- calming for hyperactivity and stressed nerves, finds humor and joy. [2]


Amethyst - encourages inner peace, fights addictive behavior, transforms energy. [6,7]


Ametrine - dispels negativity, aids decision making, meditation, relieves stress. [3,6,7]


Ammonite - protective, aids in the birthing process, provides relaxation [1]


Andalusite - stimulates past memories, re-alignment and centering of self. [4,5,6]


Angelite - protects, strengthens degenerate organs, excellent for creative people.


Apache Tear - grants forgiveness, understanding in distress. [1]


Apatite - good for communication, highly psychic, controls weight gain. [X]


Apophyllite - loving attunement to body and spirit, stimulates intuition. [7]


Aquamarine - banishes fears, calms nerves, imparts strength and control. [5]


Aragonite - calms & centers, allows for insight, aids self discipline if directed [1,2,3,4]


Aventurine - independence, strong legs and joints, helps in career change. [4]


Azurite - guidance to psychic self, cuts through illusion, enhances communication. [6]


Azurite-Malachite - initiates transformation, aids clarity and understanding in vision. [6]


Barite - loyalty, harmony, aids intuition, relationships, motivation to follow your dreams. [5]


Blizzard Stone - protects the body's magnetic field (from computers, etc.). [1]


Blue Lace Agate - expands consciousness, soothing, wise, public speaking. [5]


Bloodstone - prevents high blood pressure, cleanser of body, aids decision making. [1]


Boji Stone - sense of joy, highly energetic, draws out pain. [2]


Brazilianite - promotes trust in self, refreshes memories of pre-physical existence, gently clears blockages. [0]


Bustamite - stimulates awareness in dreamwork, a harmonious stabilizer [4]


Calcite - aids memory, good for arts and sciences, balances mental and emotional. [X]


Candle Quartz -aids in accessing ancient knowledge and putting it to use. [0]


Carnelian - releases sorrow, envy, fear, apathy, and rage. [2]


Celestite - clears speech, personal expression, highly spiritual. [5]


Chalcedony - expression of emotional needs, honesty, alleviates regret. [2-white]


Chiastolite - transmutes dissension into harmony, balances persepectives [2]


Charoite - accelerates spiritual growth, enhances self-esteem, and ability to love. [6]


Chrysocolla - communication, female energy, creativity, relieves ulcers and arthritis. [4,5,6]


Chrysoprase - prevents depression, increases grace and equilibrium. [4]


Citrine - cleans auras, detoxifies the body, aids tissue regeneration. [2]


Copper - soothes arthritis, releases restrictions, stimulates initiative and optimism. [0]


Coral - protection from evil, increases imagination, resolves conflicts. [X]


Danburite - stimulates intellect, enhances psychic ability and self-assuredness. [7]


Dendritic Opal - promotes growth spiritually and physically, aligns physical and etheric bodies. [X]


Diamond - brings forth purity, harmony, and love, also brings abundance. [7]


Diopside - brings necessary tears, heals trauma, aids regression, scrying stone. [4]


Dioptase - attracts love, abundance, prosperity and health. [4]


Dolomite - reduces body aches, stress, sorrow; helps growth of muscles, hair, nails, ect. [4]


Dravite - a protective stone that brings the peace of the earth to the higher self. [1]


Elestials - assist in comprehending life, the levels of death and the immortality of the spirit. [0]


Emerald - secures love, attracts wealth, profitable dreaming. [4]


Epidote - enhances that to which you attune it. [4]


Ferro-Actinolite - past life recall, shields the heart, increases life force, brotherhood. [4]


Fluorite - aids comprehension, strengthens teeth and bones, stabilizing and calming. [X]


Fossil - aids past life exploration, protection from spells. [0]


Galena - harmony, healthy hair, medical students, promotes holistic studies. [1]


Garnet - increases health, fidelity, imagination, and balances energy flow. [1,4]


Gold - purifying, healing, balancing, attracts honors, masculine energy. [3]


Gypsum - relieves stagnation, offers level-headedness. [3]


Hematite - grounding, promotes common sense and level headedness. [1]


Herkimer Diamond - stimulates clairvoyance/psychic abilities, soothes tension, sleep. [0]


Hessonite - clears negativity, eliminates feelings of inferiority, promotes positive change. [3]


Heulandite - past life recall, weight loss, open mind, helps one deal with loss. [X]


Hiddenite - stimulates intellect, insight, universal love. [4]

  Holly Blue Agate - spiritual and psychic actualization, as one teaches, one also learns. [7]
  Howlite - combines reasoning, observation and patience, providing for discernment. [6,7]



Iolite - gives accurate visions, releases discord, strengthens liver, soul connector. [7]


Infinite - deals with your past, present, and future at once, a very loving angelic stone. [4]


Jade - reduces eyestrain and negativity, promotes longevity, dreams. [4]


Jasper - powerful physical healer, protects against negatitivy. [X]


Jet - dispels migraines, illness, violence, deep depression, protects finances. [1]


Kundalini Quartz -primal energy, raises Kundalini, grounding. [1]


Kunzite - reduces insecurity, addictiveness, manic depression, gives maturity. [X]


Kyanite - promotes clarity and understanding in dreamwork, enhances creativity. [X]


Labradorite - brings recognition of destiny, connects one with the elements. [6,7]


Lapis Lazuli - strenghtens total awareness, ESP, skeleton, thyroid, creativity. [6]


Larimar - confidence builder, good for sales, reduces depression, builds serenity. [5]


Lepidolite - promotes self love. alleviates stress, anger, tension. [4]


Malachite - lucky money stone, aids sleep, asthma, and labor, intense and probing. [4]


Moldavite - channeling interdimensional sources, catalyst for important changes in life. [4]


Mookaite - protective, brings one into the "here and now", helps accept change. [1,2,3]


Moonstone - lucky love stone, calming, introspective, assists with emotional release. [2]


Morganite - sisterhood, balances emotions, heals pain of seperation, a subtle and powerful love energy. [4]


Obsidian - eliminates gullibility, offers detachment, very protective. [1]


Onyx - relieves stress and grief, strengthens self-control and morality. [1]


Opal - recalls past lives, aids inner beauty, faithfulness, and eyesight. [7]


Peacock Rock - fresh new outlook on life, strong healing properties. [0]


Pecos Diamond - stabilizes emotions, brings joy, aids creativity and intuition. [0]


Peridot - opens new doors, removes stress, fear, guilt, activates personal growth. [4]


Petalite - enhances ablility to feel energy, dissolves negative energy/black magic, the stone of Angels. [0]


Petrified Wood - connection to Earth and Nature, removes petty annoyances. [1]


Phenacite - inner knowing, spiritual travel, increases energy of other stones. [7]


Pietersite - dignified power and loving guidance, accesses akashic records [6,7]


Pop Rocks - sense of joy, highly energetic, draws out pain. [2]


Prase - resolves sexuality issues, sense of oneness with universe. [4]


Prehnite - balances chakras, enhances personal relationships. [3,4]


Purpurite - helps break away from limited patterns, increases spirituality, and finaces. [7]


Pyrite - increases memory, concentration, spiritual and psychic ability for students. [1]


Quartz - programmable stone, breaks bad habits, headaches, channeling stone. [0]


Rhodizite - "the master crystal", unlocks blockages, activates chakras, truly positive stone. [0]


Rhodochrosite - strengthens mental power, finds new love. [4]


Rhodonite - energy in trauma, assuredness, helps one achieve the greatest potential. [4]


Rose Quartz - reduces weight, wrinkles; increases self-assuredness, love stone. [4]


Ruby - mental balance, improves circulation, protects sensitive natures. [4]


Rutilated Quartz - excellent for birthing process, enhances energy in other stones. [0]


Sapphire - goal motivator, strengthens loyalty, highly evolved spiritual stone. [6,7]


Sceptre Quartz - Atlantian/Lemurian symbol of power, focuses energy within heart. [0]


Selenite - flexibility, decision-making, clarity, strengthens spinal column. [7]


Seraphinite- cleanses aura & chakras,helps contact Angels. energy of cooperation. [4,7]


Silver - energy conductor, eases stress and improves speech, feminine energy. [0]


Smokey Quartz - relieves depression, tension, balances sexual energies. [1]


Sodalite - prophetic dreaming, endocrine system, eliminates confusion. [6]


Sphaerocobaltite - most loving stone, deeply relaxing and balancing. [4]


Staurolite - tears of fairies, good luck, helps transition, makes oneself at ease. [1]


Strawberry Quartz - recalls past lives. eases tension in a relationship. [4]


Stichite - encourages truthfulness, gentleness, an open mind, eases Kundalini through heart chakra. [4]


Sugilite - aids physical healing, reduces stress, strengthens heart, emotional balancer. [6] /manganese - increases psychic adn spiritual awareness while being grounded. [1,6,7]


Sunstone - dissipates fearfulness, increases vitality, spiritual growth. [ 3]


Tanzanite- stone of magic, facilitates spiritual awareness, stimulates insight. [6]

  Tektite - wisdom through life experience, prevents emotional scars. [1]



Tiger Eye - psychic protector, great for business, helps achieve clarity. [X]


Tiger Iron - enhances creativity through meditation, good for motivation on all levels [1,2,3]


Topaz - tissue regeneration, kidneys and bladder, enhances understanding. [X]


Tourmaline - relieves fatigue, anemia, increases success and love. [X]


Turquoise - friendship, mental relaxation, respiratory system. [5]


Turritella - eases domestic relations and group interaction. [1]


Unakite - enhanses sense of personal power, converts the negative into the positive. [4]


Vesuvianite - creative/intuitive aid, helps fight depression, fear, negativity, avoid danger. [X]


Victorite - peacefulness, awareness of higher energies, emotional release, clarity of speech. [5]


Zincite - removal of energy blockage, cathartic, brings together those of a similar mind. [2,3]


The numbers in brackets refer to the corresponding chakra for that stone:

    [0] = Can be applied to any chakra
  [1] = Root Chakra - Location is at the base of the spine. Description - Grounding, stability, physical needs, security, survival, manifestation, material world.

[2] = Sacral Chakra - Location is beneath the navel. Description - Emotions, relationships, sexuality, self worth, creativity, empathy.


[3] = Solar Plexus - Location is the pancreas and outer adrenal glands. Description - Personal power, will, energy, metabolism, effectiveness, self esteem, social identity, happiness.


[4] = Heart Chakra - Location is Thymus. Description - Love, understanding, trust, hope, openness, compassion, balance, forgiveness.


[5] = Throat Chakra - Location is parallel the thyroid gland. Description - Communication, sound, vibration, self-expression, listening, speaking, writing.


[6] = Third Eye - Location is pineal gland. Description - Psychic abilities, channeling, telepathy, astral travel, visions, connections to higher self.


[7] = Crown Chakra - Location is top of head. Description - Universal consciousness, all knowing, cosmic connection, the god source, enlightenment, gateway to other dimensions.


[X] Chakra application depends on stone’s color

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